A Message from Nancy Josephs, CEO

June 2022

Veritext has long been committed to leading the litigation industry in all dimensions. This includes best-in-class service, including a responsibility to our employees, clients, and partners; a strong acquisition and organic growth strategy; and a dedication to incorporating advanced technology-based solutions with the utmost security. Equally as important, Veritext is committed to ensuring that we make the world a better place for generations to come. Forces such as climate change, global health issues, inequality, and exclusion can give rise to catastrophe; Veritext is committed to combating these forces. To that end, our company is open to challenging the status quo and rethinking how we operate in order to align our business with sustainable development.

A company is only as strong as the impact that it creates. Recent events have shown the extent to which accountability, transparency, collaboration, and corporate responsibility are the cornerstones of sustainable enterprises. Charting out a path to long-term sustainability is a multifaceted proposition that requires business leaders to devise and implement stakeholder-driven strategies and initiatives that make positive impacts, both internally and externally.

Internally, companies must create inclusive spaces where employees feel safe, heard, and cared for. This is not only the right thing to do given our duty of care to our colleagues; it is also imperative given our fiduciary duty to our shareholders. Externally, we must grapple with how our operations impact the fight against climate change and deforestation, human rights, and other global challenges. It is our responsibility to identify the issues that are most material to our businesses.

At Veritext, we are firm believers in the promise of technology to enable the innovative, cutting-edge solutions that we provide to our clients. Over the last two years, that conviction was put to the test by the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, it persists, with technology continuing to generate benefits for our primary stakeholders. As we expanded our company, we were able to scale up our landmark platforms to even greater heights. In doing so, we were able to downsize our office footprint and reallocate resources toward initiatives for boosting the well-being of our workforce.

As we engaged in these activities, our leadership focused on the long-term vision of building an innovative platform that would not only advance our business, but also lay the groundwork for a more sustainable company. We recognize that we are still at the early stages of our sustainability journey; nonetheless, we are confident that our track record of success in harnessing the forces of innovation and translating them into technological solutions will be an asset to us in this regard. We understand the challenges that lie ahead of us and the critical role technology must play in our sustainability journey.

Sustainability Journey & Reporting

Veritext has a long-standing commitment to sustainability:

  • Our focus has been and will always be our people and our communities
  • Our technology orientation has been instrumental in mitigating our environmental impact
  • Our governance promotes greater sustainable economic growth 

Our People and Social Impact

Veritext has a long-standing history of driving positive social impact, including:

  • Driving diversity and equality, by sponsoring and supporting organizations and initiatives which advance inclusion. In fact, Veritext is led by a female CEO and women make up 69% of the team.
  • Leading, participating in, and funding countless philanthropic efforts under the umbrella of Veritext Cares, geared toward helping those in need of food and emergency and health services, advancing our industry and giving back to our local and global communities.
  • Ensuring the privacy and protection of data for our team and clients. We take data privacy and protection very seriously and are known for our robust policies and practices that ensure maximum protection

We are committed to advancing diversity, equality, and inclusion; supporting the professional development of our team; and continuing to engage across our communities for the benefit of those in need.

Approach to Sustainability

Innovation and digitalization underscore our business and sustainability strategy:

  • We continually transform the business, through digitalization, into a new, more sustainable paradigm
  • Our technology drives “win-win solutions” for our firm and stakeholders
  • Innovation bolsters our environmental, social, and economic impact 

Environmental Stewardship

Between 2019–2021 we cut our resource consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by reducing:

  • office usage by 60%
  • business travel by >90%
  • paper consumption by >90%, saving approximately 19,000 trees 

We are passionate about the environment and strive to further reduce our GHG emissions and use of natural resources while improving our energy and waste management.

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

We use the SDGs as a guidepost in our sustainability strategy, including:

  • SDG 5: promoting gender equality across our firm and beyond
  • SDG 9: fostering innovation and resilience in our industry and infrastructure
  • SDG 13: combatting climate change through reduced real estate footprint, business travel, and consumption of paper 

Economic Resilience

We are committed to ethical conduct and economic resilience through:

  • anti-corruption and anti-competitive policies (e.g., Red Flag program)
  • sustainable supply chain practices, informed by Lean Six Sigma for operational efficiency
  • Enterprise Risk Management and Business Continuity Planning

We aim to enhance economic resilience while supporting our people, society, and the planet.


Our governance, grounded in the highest ethical standards, aims to:

  • effectively manage ESG risks, compliance, and opportunities
  • enhance our corporate responsibility and operational efficiency
  • earn recognition for our ESG efforts


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